NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"         NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"        


29 June - 27 July 2016
An exchange program in Japan
Japan, Tokyo, Nagoya city
An exchange program between V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school, Tokyo International Ballet Company and "Iasuko Naito Ballet" of the city Nagoya, Japan.
The Pupils of the of the IV, V, VIII classes

15 June 2016
Students of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school participated in charity event held in Z. Faliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre. Italian movie star Sophia Loren attended the event. Performance "For Love" simultaneously represents the synthesis of Opera and Ballet.
The Pupils of the of the IV, V classes

9 June 2016
Students of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school
UK national holiday - Queen's birthday reception
The Pupils of the of the IV, V classes

1 June 2016
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school The National Library, for children with leukemia, Dimitri Tsintsadze Foundation at a charity auction
The Pupils of the of the IV class

26 May 2016
Rustaveli avenue. Independent day event was held in front of Z.Phaliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre
The Pupils of the I, II III , IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
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18 May 2016
Two action performance was staged by Mamuka Salukvadze "simartove" and Nana Doiashvili "tavfaravneli chabuki" in experimental hall of rustaveli Theatre.
The Pupils of the of the VIII class in theatre artist
Photo   Video

15 May 2016
National library of Georgia. Presentation of "ambavi soflisa da kacisa"by Alexandre Nazgaidze and Koba Arabuli.
The Pupils of the of the IV class

12-13 May 2016
With the initiative of Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili and support of Ministry of culture and monument protection of Georgia, Georgia welcomed Russian choreographer Alexandre Mishutin, who organized performance "Millions of Arlekini" for graduation ceremony. Performance was held in Z.Phaliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre.
Also ceremony was participated by International Ballet High School 11 students and 2 teachers from Tokyo International Ballet Company.
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II III , IV classes
and The Pupils of the I, II III , IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
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21-24 April 2016
With the initiative of Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili Students of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School participated in international competition "EVENTUSI" in Riga, Latvia. Student Salome Leverashvili took first place among the best, also was awarded the golden medal in nomination classic variation. She also took second place in modern dance and was awarded the silver medal.
Also the student Tatuli Talakvadze took second place among the best in classic variation and was awarded the silver medal.
The Pupils of the VIII class
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29 March 2016
Shota Rustaveli Theatre Big Stage
Georgian and Japanese ballet gala-concert in two acts
The concert program and "Sleeping Beauty"
The society of ballet amateurs organized the concert
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II III , IV classes
and The Pupils of the I, II III , IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
Photo   Video   Video   Video   Video

23 March 2016
Z. Faliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre
The ballet "Gorda" by Davit Toradze
The Pupils of the Preparatory IV class and The Pupils of the VIII class

11, 12, 13 March 2016
Z. Faliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre
P.Chaikovski Ballet "Swan Lake".
The Pupils of the VI class

1 - 10 March 2016
Pedagogue Lela Chincharauli and pupils of the school were invited to Switzerland, Zurich by company "DAS MORPHOLOGISCHE INSTITUT" in order to participate in project "CEISTER,CASTE UND WILDE TIERE", wherein the pupils went through artistic mastery, classics, modern-ballet, break-dance master classes, also rehearsals were held for the short film by the director-choreograph Salome Shneberi in Tanzhaus medea campus, which filming is planned in Georgia from 14 March to 25 March. The movie is being prepared for the modern choreography festival and the content of the movie will be based on Georgian culture.

27 February 2016
Vakhtang Chabukiani House Museum.
The evening dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 106 years anniversary.
The Pupils of the IV class.

27 February 2016
Dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 106 years anniversary.
Mtatsminda Pantheon of writers and public men.
The Pupils of the I class and Teachers.

12, 13, 14 February 2016
Z. Faliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre
The ballet group performed renewed play "Gorda" by Davit Toradze
The Pupils of the III, IV, V, VI, VII classes and The Pupils of the Preparatory IV class

30 January 2016
Z. Faliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre Opening
Premiere Z. Paliashvili opera "Abesalomi da Eteri"
The Pupils of the IV class

21 January 2016
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art school.
The society of ballet amateurs rewarded students of the ballet school with deeds and scholarships.

  • Maria Amirkhanov - The society of ballet amateurs
  • Elene Gvinefadze - The society of ballet amateurs
  • Marta Sirbilashvili - Patricia and Louis Faoro
  • Ani Kajashvili - USA Friends of Georgia
  • Sopo Jnajgava - Patricia and Louis Faoro

  • 25 December 2015
    A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
    The concert in two acts, concert program and "Sleeping beauty"
    The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
    and The Pupils of the I, II III , IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
    Photo   Video   Video   Video   Video

    16 December 2015
    Ministry of culture and monument protection of Georgia support.
    Tbilisi concert hall. Concert of the world-famous Georgian soprano Nino Machaidze.
    The Pupils of the IV class
    Photo   Video

    10 December 2015
    Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili guests in Rstavi 2 TV show "Dila mshvidobis saqartvelo".
    The Pupils of the I, IV classes
    Photo   Video

    24 November 2015
    The Rustaveli society has organized a reception for the art director of Ballet school Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili at the writers house
    The Pupils of the IV class

    21, 22 November 2015
    A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
    L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod".
    The Pupils of the IV, V classes

    7 November 2015
    The society of ballet amateurs organized the evening,
    Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre small Stage.
    The society of ballet amateurs rewarded students of the ballet school with deeds and scholarships.
  • Anano Cerediani - Izumi Takahashi
  • Davit Sichinava - Giorgi Mshvenieradze
  • Barbare Meliqidze - Richard Norland and Mary E. Hartnett
  • Elene Shvelidze - Mariella Tefft
  • Tamar Usufashvil - Toshio and Harue Kaitani
  • Nikoloz Sisauri - Andreas Heidingsfelder
  • Nikoloz Chixoria - Pamela Hlywa-Oliver
  • NUca Taqtaqishvili - Lia Gogolashvili - Nina Ananiashvili
  • Irina-Ana Ramishvili - Mayumi Ino -Nina Ananiashvili
    The Pupils of the Preparatory II, III, IV classes
    and The Pupils of the I, III, IV, VIII classes
    Photo   Video

  • 17-October 2-November 2015
    With the initiative of Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili and financing of Ministry of culture and monument protection Georgia was visited by Russian ballet dancer Alexandre Mishutini (currently operates in Japan). Based on Drigo's music "Millions of Arlekini" He will make a ballet performance specially for school students. Performance will be shown at the graduation evening.
    The Pupils of the III , IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
    Photo   Video

    8 October 2015
    K. Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre.
    Tbilisi international festival of theatre
    The Performance majoring in choreographic art and in theatre artist of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet State School ,,Anbant qeba".
    Director-Lela ChinCharauli
    The Pupils of the II, VI, VII, VIII classes

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    Documentary movie
    "Ballet in Georgia"

    Graduation performances
    Adventure of Ballet
    Art School in Georgia


    1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
    Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
    Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49


    © Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
    Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia