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27 July - 16 August 2019
Japan, Tokyo
Join project supported by mrs. Nino Ananiashvili - V. Chabukiani Tbilisi art ballet state school and international ballet school of Tokyo.
Ballet by L. Minkus "Bayadere" and The concert program
Students of the school also participated in the international ballet competition held in Tokyo. Anna Datunashvili, a Students of the ballet school, deserved the 2nd place in the best variation nomination. Also four students of the ballet school entered the top ten. Salome Iarajuli 4th place, Potskhishvili Mari 4th place, Mirianashvili Mari 8th place, Saginadze Nino 10th place.
The Pupils of the Preparatory IV, VI classes

22-23 June 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
Holger Simon Paulli "Le Conservatoire"
The Pupils of the Preparatory III, IV classes
Photo   Video

11 June 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
"Gold Wave"
The Pupils of the Preparatory IV, V classes

17-19 May 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
Premiere. Ballet "La fille mal gardee"
The Pupils of the Preparatory IV, VII classes

9 May 2019
Silk Factory Studio. Exhibition - Performance
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes in theatre artist
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7 May 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school's prom in two acts. The concert program and Ballet by L. Minkus "Paquita"
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
and The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes

19-21 April 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
P.Chaikovski Ballet "Sleeping Beauty".
The Pupils of the IV, V classes

22-25 March 2019
With the support of Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili students of V. Chabukiani Tbilis Ballet Art State School participated in "Dominiko Moduni" international ballet competition in the city of Lecce.
Student Mari Lomjaria took first place in classical variation (8th grade), student Sopo Nachkebia took third place (8th grade), students Cindasze Sopiko, Budjiashvili Elene took sixth place (7th grade), Also students of Chabukiani Tbilis Ballet Art State School: Sesili Guguchia, Mariam Lekishvili, Lika Gugeshashvili, Nino Isipashvili and Anastasia Coconava took third place in group dancing. Student Nita Lomidze took second place (Conten-porary)
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes

3 March 2019
According to initiatives, Prima Ballerini Nino Ananiashvili and Ambassador of Japan Tadahar Uekhara held a charity evening at the residence of the Ambassador of Japan.
The Pupils of the I, III, IV classes
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27 February, 2-3 March 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
Ballet "Laurensia".
The Pupils of the III class

27 February 2019
Dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 109 years anniversary.
Mtatsminda Pantheon of writers and public men.
The Pupils of the I class and Teachers

18-20 January 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
Ballet "Cuna da Crucuna".
The Pupils of the IV, V classes

15 January 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
V. Chabukiani Tbilis Ballet Art State School's New Year's Concert in two act. The concert program and Ballet "Doktor Aybolit"
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
and The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
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8-13 January 2019
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
P.Chaikovski Ballet "Nutcracker".
The Pupils of the IV class

1 January 2019
Students of V. Chabukiani Tbilis Ballet Art State School in the new year "Primeshow". TV Imedi
The Pupils of the IV, V classes
Photo   Video

12 December 2018
The Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University
Ana kalatozishili opening of the "Professional school of theatrikal costumes and accessories"
The Pupils of the III, IV, V classes

1-2 December 2018
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
D. Toradze's Ballet "Gorda"
The Pupils of the VII class

24-25 November 2018
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
Choreographic evening of Balanchine
Serenade, Mozartiana, Symphony Do major
The Pupils of the VI, VII classes

16-18 November 2018
Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
Ballet "Don Quixote".
The Pupils of the III, IV classes

16 November 2018
A public lecture-concert from the cycle "aducation, fun and informative" ws held at the Tbilisi state Conservatorie. Lecture was held by Nino Ananiashvili. Prima ballerina talk with childer about ballet art.

25 October 2018
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
The society of ballet amateurs rewarded students of the ballet school with deeds and scholarships.
Scholarships for the 2018/2019 School Year
  • Nika Rukhadze - Preparatory 3rd grade. Rowntree-Greenfield Scholarship
  • Guram Elerdashvili - Preparatory 4th grade . Ian and Francesca Kelly Scholarship
  • Giorgi Kipiani - Preparatory 2nd grade. Caro and Nick Wilkes Scholarship
  • Nutsa Burchuladze - Preparatory 4th grade. Mayumi Ino Scholarship
  • Mariam Gedekhauri - Preparatory 3rd grade. Andreas Heidingsfelder Scholarship
  • Elene Makharadze - Preparatory 3rd grade. Lia Gogolashvili Scholarship
  • Nina Merabishvili - Preparatory 4th grade. Stefano Crescenzi Scholarship
  • Keso Tartarashvili - Preparatory 4th grade. Pamela Hlywa-Oliver Scholarship
  • Tina Metreveli - Preparatory 2nd grade. John Robinson Scholarship
  • Keso Natadze - Preparatory 4th grade. Gary Dunkley Scholarship
  • Anastasia Shekiladze - Preparatory 3rd grade. Margret Schmidt and Johannes Werner Scholarship
  • Nutsa Sebiskveradze - Preparatory 1st grade. Tomas Pernicky Scholarship
    The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
    and The Pupils of the II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
    Photo   Video

  • 25 October 2018
    A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
    Georgian and Japanese ballet gala-concert in two acts. The concert program and part of ballet "Millions of Arlekini"
    The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
    and The Pupils of the VI, VII classes
    Photo   Video   Video

    5-7 October 2018
    Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili opera and ballet state theatre
    P.Chaikovski Ballet "Swan Lake".
    The Pupils of the VI, VII classes

    4-8 October 2018
    Students of V. Chabukiani Tbilis Ballet Art State School participated international ballet competition in the Romania, Sibiu.
    Student Nita Lomidze took first place (Contemporary)(VI class), Students Sesili guguchia, Mariam Lekishvili, Nino Qartvelishvili, Sofio Kandelaki, Anastasia Coconava took first place in Group dance (VI class)
    Student Mari Lomjaria took second place in classical variation (VIII class), Student Sopo Nachkebia took fourth place (VIII class). Participants:
    The Pupils of the VI, VIII classes

    27 September 2018
    The grand theater of the ballet School.
    Regarding the begining of the academic year students met with the teachers and art director Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili
    The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
    and The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
    Photo   Video

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    Documentary movie
    "Ballet in Georgia"

    Graduation performances
    Adventure of Ballet
    Art School in Georgia


    1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
    Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
    Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49


    © Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
    Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia