NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"         NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"        
Nina Ananiashvili
The Art Director
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School

Zviad Bakradze
Director of V. Chabukiani
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School


5 July 2022
Sayat Asatriani, the artistic director of the Encinita Ballet Academy of the United States of America, visited the Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art School, he conducted a master-class in pairs dance for the students of the school.

1 July 2022
Concert program of the students of Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi School of Ballet Art in Opera and Ballet Theater under the direction of Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili.
The concert program was attended by foreign and Georgian representatives of the Society of Friends of Georgian Ballet.

11, 12, 14, 15 June 2022
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
Sergei Prokofiev. ballet "Romeo and Juliet".
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes

8 June 2022
LEPL V. The 2021-2022 academic year at Chabukiani Tbilisi State Ballet School ends on June 15 of the current year. The following activities are currently underway at the school:
  • Entrance exams for the first year of education and preparatory groups;
  • Qualifying rounds for the sixth year of study (by grade).

1 June 2022
In connection with the International Children's Day, a lecture-seminar on "Children's Rights and Their Welfare" was held at the school.
The Pupils of the V class

24 May 2022
Graduation exams were held at the school and there are currently year-to-year transfer exams.

18, 19, 20, 21, 22 May 2022
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
Premiere. Alexi Matchavariani ballet "Othello".
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes

17 May 2022
Joint performance of choreographer Tania Fateeva and the school teacher "Improvisational Tasks"
The Pupils of the VIII class

13, 14, 15 May 2022
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
Premiere. Alexi Matchavariani ballet "Othello".
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes

5 May 2022
Training was provided at the school on inclusive education, as well as on the importance of involving people with disabilities in cultural life.
The Pupils of the VI class

26 April 2022
A seminar on the scientific topic - Space Voices was held at the school, dedicated to supporting the use of innovative methods and technologies in the field of contemporary art.
Science has long been interested in understanding whether it is possible to find sounds in space. Studies are being conducted on what tools and what tools should be used in this case. Researchers have also discovered and studied sounds from Earth.
Important achievements of our civilization have been sent into space: Georgian folk song "Chakrulo" (soloists I. Zakaidze and G. Saginashvili), Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th symphony and which is also a happy fact was sent a few days ago by Gori Khalkhuri Song in Abkhazian language. Which once again emphasizes the fact that Abkhazia is an integral part of Georgia.
The Pupils of the VIII class

20 April 2022
Demonstration lesson in historical being in dance
The Pupils of the III class

13 April 2022
A lecture-seminar on the topic of art therapy was held at the school.
Art therapy is one of the forms of expressive therapy that uses art to correct a person's physical, mental and emotional state. Art therapy allows people to express their uncomfortable feelings in a socially acceptable way, through various means of art: painting, sculpture, music, etc. Art therapy. Helps people cross boundaries and create the reality they want.
The Pupils of the VI class

8, 10 April 2022
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
P.Chaikovski Ballet "Swan Lake".
The Pupils of the V, VI, VII, VIII classes

9 April 2022
A lecture-seminar on the topic of April 9 was held at the school on the topic of the Georgian National Liberation Movement.
The Pupils of the V class

21 March 2022
master class in modern dance
The Pupils of the V class

7 March 2022
A lecture-seminar was held at the school on the topics: "Women's cult in Georgia and" The role of women in modern society and art "
The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V classes

6 March 2022
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
P.Chaikovski Ballet "Swan Lake".
The Pupils of the V, VI, VII, VIII classes

5 March 2022
An exhibition was held at the school, where the paintings created by the 8th year students of the school were presented, they worked on the topic of "modern thinking" and became an inspiration for today's life, how much a modern person is involved in social networking and virtual world.

27 February 2022
Dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 112 years anniversary.
Mtatsminda Pantheon of writers and public men.
The Pupils of the I class

17-21 February 2022
From February 17 to February 20, the VIII Moscow International Competition for Young Performers in Classical, Modern and Character Dances was held, where an eighth-year student of the school took part.

15 February 2022
The teacher of the school Nino Khurtsilava conducted a lecture-seminar on the topic of integration and awareness raising in the society of persons with disabilities.
The Pupils of the V, VI, VII classes

9 February 2022
A master class in classical dance for teachers was held at the school.
The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes

27 January 2022
Joint lesson conducted by Georgian dance teachers.
The Pupils of the V class

9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23 January 2022
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
P.Chaikovski Ballet "THE NUTCRACKER".
The Pupils of the VIII class

17 January 2022
Training in the use of classical dance elements in historical dance
The Pupils of the II, III classes

12 December 2021
"Silk Factor" studio exhibition-performance of BOO JEWELERY spring / summer collection "THE FUTURE" was held in the exhibition hall. Both the accessory and the drawing represent the world of the future seen through the eyes of the authors, how fashion and art can change over the years. What accessory can be preferred by the person of the future. The eighth-year students of the school took part in the performance.

26 November 2021
A demonstration lesson in the mastery of the actor Variation Mirror Actions and Etude "Rendezvous" was held at the school
The Pupils of the II, III, IV, V classes

20-21 November 2021
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
Choreographic evening of Balanchine.
The Pupils of the VI, VII classes

20 November 2021
The project is being implemented at the school under the guidance of the school teacher Manana Meskhi - "Greek Mythology in Music", which covers various eras and events. At this stage, the topic "… ... Orpheus again" was presented

19 November 2021
Before the presentation of George Balanchine's restored program at the Paliashvili Opera and Ballet Theater, a meeting was held at the Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art Center. With the senior students of the school and students of Tbilisi Vano Sarajishvili State Conservatory. They talked to Nino Ananiashvili about the work of George Balanchine. Leading soloists of the ballet troupe Nino Samadashvili and Ekaterine Surmava. Balanchine Foundation Ballet Master Ben Hayes for questions The answers were sent in the form of a video address, which was introduced to the participants of the meeting.
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes

14 November 2021
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
Premiere ! Giuseppe Verdi. "LA FORZA DEL DESTINO".
The Pupils of the VIII class

5-6 November 2021
It was held on November 5 and 6 on the stage of Dimitri Aleksidze Educational Theater.
Choreographic Suite "Sulta Khorumi". Staged by Teona Charkviani.
The Pupils of the VI, VII, VIII classes

20 October 2021
A master class in character dance was held at the school. Teaching for VI and VII classes.


19 October 2021
Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi State Ballet School - congratulates the students, teachers-concertmasters and the ballet-loving community on the International Ballet Day. Wishes health, advancement and success in professional activities.


15, 16,17 October 2021
Z. Paliashvili Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatere.
Premiere ! Ballet "Pinocchio".
The Pupils of the II, III, IV, V, VI classes

7 October 2021
Opening of the star of the Honored Artist and Knight of the Order of Honor Nanuli Sarajishvili and a creative evening.
The Pupils of the II, III, IV, V, VI classes

27 September 2021
Theoretical and practical lessons in the history of world and Georgian ballet were held for the teachers at the school, on the topic of Georgian ballet luminaries.


22 September 2021
Nino Maghradze, a teacher at the school, conducted a master class in classical dance for teachers and students.


17 September 2021
Teona Charkviani, the teacher of the school, conducted a master class with the students of the sixth, seventh and eighth year of teaching modern dance.


16 September 2021
The 2021-2022 academic year started on September 15 at the Chabukiani Tbilisi State Ballet School and is being conducted online according to the resolution of the Government of Georgia.


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Documentary movie
"Ballet in Georgia"

Graduation performances
Adventure of Ballet
Art School in Georgia


1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49


© Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia