NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"         NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"        
Nina Ananiashvili
The Art Director
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School

Zviad Bakradze
Director of V. Chabukiani
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School


19-20 June 2021
A play based on Lasha Bugadze's play "Theater" was held at Silk Factor Studio.
The Pupils of the VII class. Choreographic art and in theatre artist.


10 June 2021
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school's 2020-2021 academic year ends on 15 June. The following activities are currently underway at the school:
  • Year-to-year transfer exams;
  • Entrance exams for the first year of study and preparatory groups;
  • Qualifying rounds for the sixth year of study (by grade).
    Good luck to the graduates of the school.

  • 1 June 2021
    An event dedicated to Child's Day. A lecture-seminar in Muslim literature was held at the school.
    The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes

    26 May 2021
    Meeting of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth with art schools at the Ethnographic Museum.
    The Pupils of the I class

    18 May 2021
    Practical work of creating an animation.
    Participants: The Pupils of the VII class. Choreographic art and in theatre artist.
    Teacher - Lela Chincharauli - Gigauri

    28 April 2021
    V. Chabukiani Tbilisi State art Ballet School held a master class in classical dance.
    The Pupils of the IV, V classes

    20 April 2021
    Seminar lecture on Jonathan Swift's work was held at V. Chabukiani Tbilisi State Ballet School.
    The Pupils of the IV, V, VI classes

    12 April 2021
    V. Chabukiani Tbilisi State School of Ballet hosted a master class in historical dance for 4th year students
    The Pupils of the III class

    3 April 2021
    At the invitation of Ms. Nino Ananiashvili, the Rector of the Vaganova Russian Ballet Academy, former Prime Minister of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater Nikoloz Tsiskaridze visited the school and conducted a master class for teachers and students of the school.
    The Pupils of the IV, VI, VII, VIII classes

    25 March 2021
    Exhibition of choreographic and theater actors of the 7th and 8th years of teaching at the school. Topic Three color tones

    13 March 2021
    Masterclass in Acting Speech.
    The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes. Choreographic art and in theatre artist.

    8 March 2021
    An event dedicated to 8 March, costumed by the students of the preparatory group of the school, in remote mode.

    3 March 2021
    An event dedicated to Mother's Day, costumed by the students of the preparatory group of the school, in remote mode.

    27 February 2021
    Dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 111 years anniversary.
    Mtatsminda Pantheon of writers and public men.
    The Pupils of the school

    15 February 2021
    Lecture dedicated to the 111th years anniversary of Vakhtan Chabukiani entitled "Our Vakhtang".

    2 February 2021
    Lecture - Seminar "Music in Ballet".
    The Pupils of the III, IV classes

    28 January 2021
    Master class of classical dance teachers Victoria Kuznetsova and Nino Maghradze.
    The Pupils of the III, IV classes

    20 January 2021
    Teacher Lela Chincharauli - Gigauri and Mariam Papashvili Master Class in Acting (casting)
    The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes. Choreographic art and in theatre artist.

    18 January 2021
    According to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, as well as the Coordination Council, the second semester of the 2020-21 academic year has started again at a distance.

    7 January 2021
    The students of the preparatory group of the school created a New Year mood with remote costumes with costumed concert act.

    30 December 2020
    The pandemic caused by the new corona virus has changed the whole world, it imposes new norms of behavior on all spheres, and art is no exception. We also try to adapt to the existing reality of such fine arts as ballet, our school has always played an important role: it has been and always will be the forge of future "ballet actors". Today's reality has a more important mission for us, as students have to remotely share the fine arts that require daily routine work instead of specially arranged halls now at home, while maintaining the charge necessary for their further development, for which they work tirelessly. The whole staff of the school. Under the current circumstances, the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year ended in such a way that students were still not given the opportunity to perform on stage and show their abilities. In this unusual environment, we would like to wish all the staff, students and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and wish them health, luck, success, happiness, and a hopeful and bright future.

    7 December 2020
    The training process at V. Chabukiani Tbilisi State School of Ballet was switched from remote mode to remote control from November 4, in accordance with the decision of the Interagency Council.

    9 November 2020
    The training process at V. Chabukiani Tbilisi State School of Ballet was switched from remote mode to remote control from November 4 to November 25, in accordance with the decision of the Interagency Council.

    20 October 2020
    In order to prevent and prevent the new corona virus, the school building is being cleaned on a daily basis according to the regulation developed by the Ministry of Health. In addition, on October 20, additional disinfection works were carried out at the school: the central entrance, corridors, stairwells, stairs, bathrooms, dance halls, dressing rooms of the administration and technical staff were treated with a special solution.

    8 October 2020
    In order to prevent and prevent the new corona virus, the school building is being cleaned on a daily basis according to the regulation developed by the Ministry of Health. In addition, on October 8, additional disinfection works were carried out at the school: the central entrance, corridors, stairwells, stairs, bathrooms, dance halls, dressing rooms of the administration and technical staff were treated with a special solution.

    5 October 2020
    In order to prevent and prevent the spread of the new corona virus, in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, LEPL V. Chabukiani Tbilisi State School of Ballet started the 2020-2021 academic year online, from September 15 of the current year. From October, the study continued in the school halls for students from first to sixth grade, and from the seventh grade to twelfth grade - remained online again.

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    Documentary movie
    "Ballet in Georgia"

    Graduation performances
    Adventure of Ballet
    Art School in Georgia


    1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
    Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
    Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49


    © Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
    Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia