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21 June 2015
Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre troupe. A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
Charity concert in two acts. "Giselle". Adolphe Adam
The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes
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20 June 2015
Students ballet School. Performance TEDxTbilisi
The Pupils of the III, VIII classes
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5, 7 June 2015
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
Evening of classical ballet. L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod".
The Pupils of the II, III, VII classes
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1 June 2015
The grand theater of the ballet School.
Educational Cultural Evening. "Romanticism, aristocratic salons and Century Portrait". The author and teacher, Mrs. Manana Meskhi.
The Pupils of the II, III , III, IV, V classes
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26 May 2015
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet art state school.
26 May Republic Square, The evening dedicated to the Independence Day
The Pupils of the II, III , III, IV, V, VII, VIII classes
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16 May 2015
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
Georgian and Japanese ballet gala-concert. Project was brought to life in Georgia's Japanese embassy by JTI's and Toyota's companies and special support from Mr. Kazuo Kato.
The Pupils of the I class and The Pupils of the Preparatory III, IV classes
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8 May 2015
Conservatoire grand hall.
Educational program "I love classic ballet music". Author and host Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili.
Participants: The Pupils of the III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
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6 May 2015
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
The Performance majoring in choreographic art and in theatre artist of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet State School ,,Anbant qeba".
Director-Lela ChinCharauli, musical- Nata Kobidze, Director Assistant- Maka Papashvili, Art designer- Davit Monavardishvili, Costume Designer- Nino Gogiberidze.
Participants: The Pupils of the II , VI, VII, VIII classes . Choreographic art and in theatre artist.
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3 May 2015
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School Charity concert in two acts. The concert program and Chipollino
The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes and The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes
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28 April 2015
Artistic director of the ballet art state school Nino Ananiashvili and Students of ballet school.
Imedi TV show "Imedis Dila".
The Pupils of the III, IV classes.
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21 April 2015
Artistic director of the ballet art state school Nino Ananiashvili and little ballerinas.
Rstavi 2 TV show "Dila mshvidobis saqartvelo"
The Pupils of the III, V classes.
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15 April 2015
On April 15,press conference was held in the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia with reference to the victory of Georgian dancers in the International Ballet and Contemporary Dance Competition.
The event washosted by minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia Mikheil Giorgadze and Head of ballet troupe of Tbilisi State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, prima ballerina Nino Ananiashvili.
The International Ballet and Contemporary Dance Competition in the name of Domenico Modugno, was held in city of Bari on March 25-29, wheretroupe members of Z. Paliashvili State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet traveled with support of Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia. First two awards were received by Soloists Ekaterine Surmava and Philip Fedulov in the following categories - classical Pa De De and modern duet.
In the nominee of solo performers - first and second place prizes were received by pupils of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School, Nino Khukhutashvili and Salome Leverashvili. In the nominee of group performance pupils of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School have taken second place. Georgian dancers have also receive invitation in Japan to participate in Gala Concert. After Italy the pupils of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School moved to Romania and participated in the play "La Fille Mal Gardee" of choreographer Valentin Bartes, wherein have deserved a big approval. Victorious dancers returned to Georgia on April 10. They traveled to The International Ballet and Contemporary Dance Competition by the initiative of Prima ballerina Nino Ananiashvili.
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14-30 April 2015
A master-class dancing concert was held in Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School. It was performed by Dutch professor, a ballet-Master Tom Bosman, who stayed in Tbilisi from April 13th all the way through may 1st. Professor Bosman directed concert for the students of the institute, which was held during the last call.
The Pupils of the IV, V, VI classes.
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7 April 2015
School students N. Khakhutashvili, S. Leverashvili, T. Talakvadze and L. Gogisvanidze deserved great applauses and glorified Georgian ballet while participating in the performance "Futile Prudence" staged by the choreographer Valentine Bartes which was presented in Timishuara, Rumania.
The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes.
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25-31 March 2015
Students of Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School participted in the "Domeniko Moduni" international ballet competition which was held in city Bari-Italy.
With the initiative of Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili and support of Ministry of culture and monument protection the school student Nino Khakhutashvili took second place in the nomination-variration. The school student Salome Leverashvili took third place in the nomination- Pa-De-De and third place in the nomination-variation, also invitation in Japan to participate in gala-concert.
The school students took second place in group nomination. During the international competition the school students were partniorshiped with ballet soloists; George Mshvenieradze and Karin Vashio.
The Pupils of the VII, VIII classes.
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21, 22 March 2015
One-act ballets evening was held in Griboedov dramatic theatre.
The Pupils of the III, V, VII classes.
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28 February, 1 March 2015
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod".
The Pupils of the II, III classes.
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27 February 2015
Vakhtang Chabukiani House Museum.
The evening dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 105 years anniversary.
The Pupils of the IV class.
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27 February 2015
Dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 105 years anniversary.
Mtatsminda Pantheon of writers and public men.
The Pupils of the I class and Teachers.
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27 February 2015
The Georgian state Museum of Theatre, Music, Sinema and Choreography
The night dedicated to Vakhtang Chabukiani 105 anniversary, who was founder of Georgian ballet, prominent dancer and choreographer. The night was organized by Vakhtang Chabukiani Tbilisi Art State School together with Zakaria Paliashvili Tbilisi State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet
The Pupils of the III, VII, VIII classes.
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11 February 2015
By the invitation of artistic director of the ballet art state school Nino Ananiashvili, hosted soloist of English national ballet Elene Gurjidze, who met representatives of ballet art state school.
The Pupils of the IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes.
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5-6 February 2015
Master class was held in Tbilisi Ballet Art State School performed by the Romania's National Ballet School honored teacher and choreographer, also director of Italian ballet studio "ARTEDANZA ROSSANA" and choreographer Valentin Bartes. Performance was organized by the art director of ballet art state school Nino Ananiashvili.
The Pupils of the IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes.
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4 February 2015
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School was visited by Mikheil Giorgadze the Minister of culture and monument protection, he had meetings with Zviad Baqradze Director of Tbilisi Ballet Art State School, Nino Ananiashvili the art director of ballet art state school and other representatives of the Tbilisi Ballet Art State School.
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31 January 2015
Basketball games "ALL STAR 2015". Tbilisi Mall
The Pupils of the III, VII, VIII classes.
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31 January 2015
Dedicated to the Vera Wignadze 90 years anniversary. Gala concert in the Tbilisi Hall.
The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes.
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26 January 2015
Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili and the ballet school Students hosted by TV IMed. "Imedis dila" about to Vera Tsignadze's Anniversary Event.
The Pupils of the III, IV classes.
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22 January 2015
TV "Imedis dila" hosted V. Chabukiani ballet art state school. Tv show dedicated to George Balanchini anniversary
The Pupils of the III class.
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15 January 2015
Students at the TV program "Skhva Shuadge" hosted by Rustavi 2. Dedicated to Vera Tsignadze's Anniversary Event.
The Pupils of the III class.
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