26 June 2012
The big fall of the School
master-class was held in actor mastership art, under the lidership of azerbaijanian artist Ali Hasanov.
The Pupils of the VII-VIII and students of Art academy.

11-13 June 2012
Royal District Theatre
Art ballet "Run". Directed by Lela Chincharauli.
Ana Gorgiashvili and Maria Nijaradze (The Pupils of the VIII class).

10 June 2012
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
Charitable gala concert "Doktor Aybolit". With Dance edition I. Beridze and L. Kandelaki.
Theater troupe and The Pupils of the V-VIII classes

12 March 2012
lecture-hall of school
lecture - seminar "Basic history of choreographic art".
The Pupils of the VI and VII classes

27 February 2011
Dedicated to the Vahtang Chabukiani's 102 years anniversary.
Mtatsminda Pantheon of writers and public men.
Teachers and pupils of the ballet school.

8 February 2012
By the invitation of artistic director of the state ballet school Nino Ananiashvili, the master class was held in modern ballet with a participation of the Estonian director – choreographer Teet Kask. At the master class were presented the pedagogue-specialists and pupils.
The Pupils of the VI, VII and VIII classes

26-30 December 2011
13 - January, 19 - February 2012
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre
Tbilisi Concert Hall
P.Chaikovski Ballet "Nutcracker".
The Pupils of the IV, V, VI and VIII classes
Photo    Video

25 December 2011
Kid central. New Year Party.
The Pupils of the IV class

24 December 2011
The small theater of the School.
The educational practice performance, dedicated to the chistams holiday.
The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII classes
Photo    Video

21 December 2011
The small theater of the School.
New Year Party.
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes and Pupils of the I classes
Photo    Video

9 December 2011
By the invitation of artistic director of the state ballet school Nino Ananiashvili, the master class was held in modern ballet with a participation of the Estonian director – choreographer Teet Kask.
At the master class were presented the pedagogue-specialists, pupils and accompanists.
The Pupils of the VI, VII and VIII classes

8-9 October 2011
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre
L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod"
Pupils of the II, III and IV classes

22 September 2011
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre
The society of ballet amateurs organized the evening dedicated to the beginning of 160th ballet session.
The society of ballet amateurs rewarded students of the ballet school with deeds and scholarships.
  • DaviT Mezurnishvili - scholarship by the Name of Mayumi Lino
  • Sofio Qardava - scholarship by the Name of Izumi Takahashi
  • Nikoloz Papashvili - scholarship by the Name of Mayumi Lino
  • Svetlana Miminoshvili - scholarship by the Name of Merylis Sevilla-Gonzaga
  • Giorgi Badurashvili - scholarship by the Name of Jinjer Binges
  • Anastasia Qadjaia - scholarship by the Name of Lia Gogolashvili
  • Vaso Tzitzilashvili - scholarship by the Name of Elvira Etraroia Sandal
    The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III and IV classes

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    Nina Ananiashvili -
    The Art Director

    Zviad Bakradze-
    Director of V. Chabukiani
    Tbilisi Ballet Art State School


    1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
    Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
    Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49
    e-mail: ballet_zuka @

    © Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
    Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia