NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"         NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"         NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"        


29 December 2013
Opera and ballet state theatre, New Year Gala, Tbilisi Concert hall
The Pupils of the II and III classes

25, 26, 27 December 2013
"Comedy show"s New Year Party, Tbilisi Concert hall
The Pupils of the VIII classes
Photo    Video

23 December 2013
There are was presentation of the book "Be my guest" in the writers house.
The Pupils of the III classes

19 December 2013
New Year Party, Tbilisi Art hall
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes and
The Pupils of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes
Photo    Video    Video    Video

23 November 2013
Vaja Durglishvili Anniversary, Tbilisi Concert hall
Choreography Nikoloz Feikrishvili
The Pupils of the VIII classes
Photo    Video

14 November 2013
Promo in Goodwill
Jiri Kylian's Ballet "petite mort". Premiere
The Pupils of the II class.

13, 14 November 2013
Shota Rustaveli State Drama Theatre
Performance presented by Saint-Petersburg's Boris Eifman troupe.
Boris Eifman's ballet "Sin beyond". According to F. Dostoevsky's novel "The brothers Karamazovs".
The Pupils of the II class.

9 October 2013
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
The society of ballet amateurs organized the evening dedicated to the beginning of 162th ballet session.
The society of ballet amateurs rewarded students of the ballet school with deeds and scholarships.
  • Sisauri Nikoloz - scholarship by the Name of Peter and Mike Lagerberg
  • Chikhoria Nikoloz - scholarship by the Name of Ivan Iestrab and Eva Iestrabova
  • Firckhelani Nikoloz - scholarship by the Name of Virginia Minges
  • Jamaspishvili Mikheil - scholarship by the Name of Mayumi Lino
  • Cicilashvili Vasil - scholarship by the Name of Maryela Teft
  • Qardava Sofio - scholarship by the Name of Lia Gogolashvili
  • Qadjaia Anastasia - scholarship by the Name of Izumi Takahashi
  • Lekiashvili Lili - scholarship by the Name of Karen Wolfson Participants:
    The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes.

  • 9 October 2013
    Shota Rustaveli State Drama Theatre - small theater
    school pupil performed concert was attended by the representatives of Holland national ballet and amateur (55 people)
    The Pupils of the II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII classes.
    Photo   Video

    8 October 2013
    Prezentation of Voulez-Vous perfume in the event hall
    The Pupils of the V, VI, VII classes.

    9 September 2013
    The event held by Hello Kitty about the begining of the academic year on Rustaveli avenue 42
    The Pupils of the II class.

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    Documentary movie
    "Ballet in Georgia"
    Nina Ananiashvili -
    The Art Director

    Zviad Bakradze-
    Director of V. Chabukiani
    Tbilisi Ballet Art State School


    1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
    Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
    Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49
    e-mail: ballet_zuka @

    © Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
    Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia