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2009 weli - gamosaSvebi saRamo, l. minkusi, fragmenti baletidan ` baiadera~.
                                                                  2009 - Graduation performance, L. Minkus, a fragment from the ballet “Bayadera”.

                                          2009 weli - gamosaSvebi saRamo, p. Caikovski,
                                          florinas variacia baletidan `mZinare mzeTunaxavi~, m.eloSvili.
                                          2009 - Graduation performance, P. Tchaikovsky, Florina’s variation
                                          from the ballet “The Sleeping     Beauty”, M. Eloshvili.

           74          2009 weli - gamosaSvebi saRamo, s.prokofievi,
                                           scena baletidan `konkia~
                               2009 - Graduation performance, S. Prokofiev,
                                       a scene from the ballet “Cinderella”
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