Intro |
I as the admirer of ballet art was rather glad by the return of Nina Ananiashvili to Tbilisi. I was always admired by her genuine art. Miss Nina as the great dancer is the unique figure in worlds Ballet Art. Press or special literature sources many times wrote about her and will do so again. She is not only the great ballerina but the person having great personal qualities. Due to these qualities she deserved great and respect among us and the world ballet.
I hope that ballet of Tbilisi Z.Phaliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre together with Nina will not only return its past greatness but will soon capture new heights and acquire the deserved recognition in the world. As to V. Chabukiani State Choreographic art school respective generation will grow up under her heading.
Levan Chkheidze
Member of Presidium
of Chabukiani International Center
By return of the World famous Star Nino Ananiashvili to Georgia has started an important stage of the Georgian Ballet Art.
All the Tours that Miss Nino Preformed during this years is very important for the Georgian Ballet. Its very pleasant that all the performances were finished by Triumph.
A new faces has been appeared.Its important that the world media is talking about the professionalism of the Georgian Ballet and predicts a great future.
The appearance of Nino Ananiashvili has brought a new tendency in the world ballet. Nino Ananiashvili has become an example for many Georgian Girls - I want to be as Nino
Georgian Girls are freely mastering this difficult kind of Art and whats most important, Ballet has become more Georgian.
V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art School is the cradle for the future stars.
The new Management is doing it bets to achieve success.
The traditional annual performances are the bets example of the
success of the Georgian Ballet, for the last years.
Lets wish good luck to the Management,Teachers and Pupils of the School.
People's artist Dodo Chichinadze |
People's artist Otar Koberidze |

I am very proud of being the graduating student of the Vahtang Chabukiani School.
All my childhood was connected with Nino Ananshavili name.
Her each success was our success, we were proud of our Georgian star.
I remember how happy we were when she performed perfectly and was a admired on Varna international competition.
Today Nino has returned to Georgia and is directing Georgian Ballet.
For me its twice important the success of this school because, my friends are managing it.
My dear all, I wish you good luck and World wide Triumphs.
Happiness is boundless, when you see what highest places has reached V.Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School. School become successful during the leadership of worlds well-known prime ballerina, queen of ballet-Nina Ananiashvili, which took responsibility and mission to revive Georgian ballet and to show it to the world.
Georgia is one of the ancient choreographic country. Georgia can proud of its values in ballet and suggest it to the modern civilized world. If we go through history we can conclude that our ballet with it nature and originality had success all the time. Georgian dancers are actively working not only within the country, but also all over the world.
Scholl activity has great importance in order to maintain cultural inheritance and for its further development. Many little dancers are growing in the School, who will Georgias name in the future.
We wish success to schools administration, teachers and pupils.
People's artist Otar Megvinethucesi |
People's artist Guranda Gabunia |
We are delighted, that have opportunity to wish great successes to V.Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School. During the leadership of Nina Ananiashvili The school rise in a very short and complex period.
It is the only school, which gives to our children professional skill of world art-ballet dancing. Being everlasting means to raise past from the dead and than this beauty share to spectators.
We are grateful of schools administration and teachers for there hard work and wish them to grow up new world stars for the welfare of our country.
Opera singer, Internationale laureate contests. Tamar Javaxishvili-Iveri |
Today we have an opportunity to attend the graduation evening of Tbilisi V. Chabukiani Ballet School, which was dedicated to the centennial of the famous ballet-master, talanted dancer and pedagogue Vakhtang Chabukiani.
The success is the result of hard work that school has reached at this short period of time. Inspired!, sincerely we congratulating all pupils and pedagogues on holding such a beautiful and professional evening, sincerely we wish them advance in their work, peace and fertile attendance.
As we know, for the first time in Georgian history V. Chabukiani Ballet School has published ballet words dictionary and explanatory manual in Georgian language, which also was dedicated to the centennial of Vakhtang Chabukiani.
We are using an oppurtunity to thanks artistic dirrector of the ballet school Nino Ananiashvili and we also want to thank administration of the school for the prosperity of ballet art, and today evening will always stay in our memories.
We believe, that faith and art will save Georgia!
Managing Director of Rustaveli Theatre Zaal Chikobava |
People's Artiste Guram Sagharadze |
Honoured artiste Jemal Gaganidze |
Honoured artiste Ioseb Lagidze |
Actor of Rustaveli Theatre Murman Jinoria |
Company Director of Rustaveli Theatre David Uplisashvili |
Actor of Rustaveli Theatre Marina Kakhiani |
Actor of Rustaveli Theatre Manana Abramishvili |
We would like to thank students, teachers and administration staff of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art School for this beautiful evening, which gave us so much pleasure. We wish you to bear the name of one of the greatest dancer, teacher and choreographer, Vakhtang Chabukiani, proudly
Thanks to Nino Ananiashvili for the hard work and great services to the school, reflected in students professionalism and success.
Gigi Sulakauri |
Lasha Tabukashvili |
Sincerely congratulate great success to V. Chabukiani Tbilisi ballet Art state school, which is headed by brilliant star Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili. We would like to thank to all pupils and teachers which gave us nice evening and pleasure. Performance Doctor Aibolit was impressive and funny. Thanks to Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili for her hard work, her talent and professionalism is reflected to all pupil. Wish you success.
Opera singer, Lauriat of many competitions, fond "Iavnana", President |
The prom of V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School was held with big triumph and ovation.
The program, in which all pupils were participating was astonishing and professional, what is a big merit of artistic director of the State Ballet School Mrs. Nino Ananiashvili. We sincerely congratulate and thank pupils and pedagogues of the State Ballet School for all the hard work they performed that gave us so much pleasure and joy.
Georgian national artist, State award winner. V. Tsignadze |