9 October 2013
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre.
The society of ballet amateurs organized the evening dedicated to the beginning of 162th ballet session.
The society of ballet amateurs rewarded students of the ballet school with deeds and scholarships.
Sisauri Nikoloz - scholarship by the Name of Peter and Mike Lagerberg
Chikhoria Nikoloz - scholarship by the Name of Ivan Iestrab and Eva Iestrabova
Firckhelani Nikoloz - scholarship by the Name of Virginia Minges
Jamaspishvili Mikheil - scholarship by the Name of Mayumi Lino
Cicilashvili Vasil - scholarship by the Name of Maryela Teft
Qardava Sofio - scholarship by the Name of Lia Gogolashvili
Qadjaia Anastasia - scholarship by the Name of Izumi Takahashi
Lekiashvili Lili - scholarship by the Name of Karen Wolfson
The Pupils of the Preparatory I, II, III, IV classes.