23, 25 june 2013 A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre. L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod". Gilbert Albert and Nina Ananiashvili International Prize "Star". The award ceremony Participants: The Pupils of the II, III and IV classes. PHOTO
23, 25 june 2013 A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre. L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod". Gilbert Albert and Nina Ananiashvili International Prize "Star". The award ceremony Participants: The Pupils of the II, III and IV classes.
A. Griboedov Russian State Drama Theatre. L. Minkus Ballet "Don Kihod". Gilbert Albert and Nina Ananiashvili International Prize "Star". The award ceremony Participants: The Pupils of the II, III and IV classes.
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